Equest's PATH approved Instructor Training Course is designed for experienced horse people, with a variety of riding backgrounds, who are looking to pursue a career in therapeutic riding. The course is also suited to current instructors seeking continuing education, or preparation for advanced certification.
Instructor Training Course
Are you interested in becoming a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI)? Need CEU’s? Come to Equest!

August 16-October 5, 2024
Course Details
August 16 – October 5, 2024
at Texas Horse Park
811 Pemberton Hill Road
Dallas, TX 75217
Instruction will be provided by Advanced and Master level instructors at Equest.
Each day will be a combination of classroom discussions and hands-on participation in the barn and arenas.
Please be prepared to be outside for part of each of the days as well as sit and ride on horses as appropriate.
Send completed application to kcozart@equest.org
The Course Schedule
The Equest Instructor Training Course is an eight-week program designed to follow a Tuesday through Saturday format. Classes meet on additional Mondays and evenings as needed. Student instructors should plan for study and preparation time during the evening and weekend hours. A detailed course calendar will be provided on the first day of the course. Vacancies for the course are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Application Requirements
To be accepted into the course and qualify for certification upon completion, a candidate must complete and submit two proficiency exams: One written and one mounted. These are included in the Training Course Application, and must be submitted as specified in the course information.
The curriculum covers:
- Teaching Methodology
- Mounting Techniques
- The Therapy Horse
- Long Lining
- Human Anatomy and Kinesiology
- Human Psychology
- Adaptive Equipment
- Skill Progression
- Disabilities
- Volunteer Management
- Hippotherapy Theory
- Practical Teaching Experience
Stable Management
The written exam includes questions on conformation, blemishes and unsoundness, general feeding requirements, ailments, diseases and their treatments, worming and vaccination requirements, stable maintenance, grooming, breeds, first-aid treatment, and movement analysis.
Riding Skills
For the mounted test, a solid knowledge of walk-trot-canter with correct leads and diagonals, simple lead changes, leg yielding, turns on the forehand and haunches, and suppling exercises is needed.
We welcome candidates with diverse riding experience. The riding skills test may be taken in either English or Western tack. The riding skills pattern is included in the application packet. This should be submitted either as a DVD with your application, or posted with a YouTube link. Students should be familiar with the English discipline as this is the style most of our clients ride, and will be the style taught.
Helpful Information
Entrance Test Suggested References
Horse, J. Warren Evans, et. al.
The United States Pony Club Manual (level D, C, A/B)
Horse, Gaits, Balance and Movement, Susan Harris
101 Arena Exercises, Cherry Hill
Becoming an Effective Rider, Cherry Hill
Candidates who successfully complete all training course requirements will be eligible to test for the PATH Intl. CTRI certification. CTRI pre-requisites will be completed during the course.
Application fee (non-refundable) – $150 must be included with application and completed exams.
Fees include: Textbooks, all printed materials, and
CTRI prerequisites.
Additional Fees:
PATH Intl membership fee – Please see PATH website to apply for membership.
Tuition Balance
First payment $2,000 due upon notification you have been accepted into the course, and no later than July 5th.
Second payment $1,000 due no later than August 1st.
Housing (Optional)
$900 plus $100 security deposit due with first payment.
More Information
For more information on instructor training, please contact:
Kirsten Cozart
Equest Education Coordinator